Jun 19, 2018

slowly but surely

With almost six months of no strict diet, I know it would be hard for someone to just turn 360 degrees around to be conscious with what one suppose to eat on a given day. One key is to go back to what works for you~ mine is having a plant based and an almost pescatarian diet(no pork or beef). I am comfortable with this diet because I‘m not really a carnivorous person to begin with unlike my husband and son.

Having said that, another challenge for me is I’m the one cooking in the family which makes me vulnerable to these kind of meals. What I do is just add more vegetables to every meal that I prepare than usual. In that way, I would not be tempt to eat too much than my required portion.

Today, I went to the gym for an hour of zumba for my cardio exercise after my usual household tasks. For my healthy eats, I ate a piece of bread with boiled egg and avocado plus banana before dancing. It was a struggle because I felt hungry on some occasions. Next time I’ll try to eat more carbohydrates pre-workout. In the evening, I cooked Sayote and Carrots with shrimps in oyster sauce. Diet fails for the day: ate p10 worth of fishballs and potato chips for merienda plus 1/2 c rice dinner time.

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